Living the Virtues app for iPhone and iPad
Virtues define who we are. It is essential that we understand the meaning of the virtues and reflect on their relevance to our lives. A set of criteria is provided for assessing whether we are ‘Living the Virtue’.
There are a set of affirmations for further clarity and a ‘wisdom from the ages’ provides further inspiration. Each virtue is illustrated with an animal designed as a point of further learning: “What is the relationship between each virtue and its illustrating animal?”
The Virtues app suits most ages and many environments: home, class and reflection space. They are an ideal resource for a teacher, parent or anyone else interested in ‘Living the Virtues’.
These cards can be used for:
* a study event eg a lesson studying a specific virtue
* a random pick, guided by the universe: before a meeting, in the classroom, at home or during reflection time. As you do this activity be mindful of your question:
* What virtue do I need today?
* What virtue will help me solve my problem?
* What virtue will best assist me achieve my task?
After picking a card read and reflect on the card’s meaning and then make sure you are mindful of its practice throughout your day.